Hi! Iā€™m Heather

As a Holistic Health Practitioner I take the WHOLE of you into consideration when offering help. Iā€™ve lived a lifetime full of ups and downs and itā€™s my path & passion to serve others in the pursuit of change and transformation. I work with students & clients, my online community, and even kiddos to heal from the inside out, create an intentional mindset and habits that support vibrant living.

Iā€™ve spent years diving into gut health and Iā€™ve healed my gut to an extent I once thought impossible. That healing through nutrition, mindset and supplementation has changed my life. These days I help others understand gut health, eat for gut health, and find supplementation that is healing.

Throughout this transformation journey, Iā€™ve learned that mindset is key. So often we cannot get past what is holding us back. We cannot even figure out why we are stuck! I help clients see with a different perspective and uncover the invisible layer that is holding them back from envisioning, creating and living a beautiful future.


Are you ready for REAL change?

Lasting transformation takes more than 100% focus on exercise & nutrition, or 100% focus on mindset. Integrating the whole of you in your pursuit of change is essential if you want your efforts to have a lifetime impact. Our mindset controls much more than weā€™d like to think. A shift in identity occurs when we truly commit to the change we seek, and we become a person who lives differentlyā€¦a person who has shifted into a new identity. This is essential to lasting change.

Guiding others 1:1 & group setting in an ever evolving mindset, nutritious life, and connection to the real you is one of my most favorite ways to serve others.

Community and cultivating your influence over you.

Be your best self by joining and creating a community for you that lifts you up each and every day, cheers you along, and is working towards similar goals.

When we surround ourselves with people who are just a bit ahead of us, we grow into who we can become a bit more easliy.

The Consistency Club is a free group on Facebook where you can find inspiration, connection and ā€˜know howā€™ on your path forward. We talk about getting consistent in any and every pursuit.

Becoming who you are meant to be isnā€™t always easy and having a crew alongside will help you grow your consistency muscle in mindset & habits.

New Podcast Episode Every Friday

ā€œHeather taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!ā€

ā€”Katy G.

ā€œI donā€™t know where Iā€™d be without her. Sheā€™s been a source of light in figuring out life. Iā€™ve learned to see life in a whole new way.ā€

ā€” John C.

ā€œBeing curious about how I can work with what I have currently is something Iā€™ve learned. Instead of reacting to everything, Iā€™ve become curious and not reactionary. Heather has helped so much in my personal and professional life.ā€

ā€”Sarah F.

Letā€™s connect & see we are right for each other.

Thereā€™s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. We can talk gut health or coaching. Or both. Itā€™s up to you.

Gut Health

I sought gut health off and on for decades. 20 years ago the idea of a microbiome and gut imbalance was fringy and new. Even so, my functional medicine doctor who specialized in Graves Disease said to me that ā€œā€¦if we could just heal your gut, I know youā€™d see remissionā€¦ā€ And we did find remission for the Graves Disease, but other symptoms continued to plague me over the years. I suffered from chronic inflammation created by years of stress and angerā€¦plus a less than nutrition lifestyle. My appearance was puffy, my body was overweight and my mindset was off and on depending on my mood.

Fast forward from 2013 to 2020. I found the ingredients needed for changing my life! And itā€™s not just me. Thousands of lives have been changed and Iā€™ve got so many inspiring stories I can share. Discovering how to supplement your body for optimal performance is life changing. Discovering how a balanced gut helps individuals crave less sugar, choose better foods, sleep better, overcome brain fog and LIVE life again is empowering beyond your dreams!

Click the button to connect and see if this system and these proven ingredients are right for you.

Follow me on Instagram for gut healing foods, products and empowering thoughts.