Empowering Your Past

"When you can see your past as a treasure chest of learning opportunities rather than a dumpster full of regrets, your whole life changes." Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Reframing your past can unlock your potential and create a more positive and empowered future.

What is Reframe?

Reframing is defined as a psychological technique that changes how individuals perceive and interpret events, situations, or experiences. It involves looking at situations from different perspectives, leading to a shift in emotional responses and behaviors. A personal story is shared about a journey to reframe the past, particularly dealing with the sudden death of a loved one at a young age and initially avoiding facing that past. The turning point was recognizing a similar emotion in someone else, leading to a change in perspective and the ability to reframe the past.

Reframing improves the present: Reframing the past can lead to an improvement in the present. Viewing experiences from a less distressing or more empowering interpretation can bring peace and result in different outcomes.

Emotional Regulation: Reframing is essential for emotional intelligence, particularly emotional regulation. It allows individuals to control their emotions, thoughts, actions, and results. Getting curious about reframing process is essential. Utilizing powerful questions like "What is true in this situation?" and "How can this serve any purpose in my life?" can help us see an event in the past through a different lens.

Problem Solving: Reframing is a valuable tool for problem-solving. It allows individuals to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than roadblocks. It is emphasized that challenges and setbacks are part of the journey, and reframing helps find a way around them.

Do You Have the Guts to Reframe Your Past?

If you can add reframing to your arsenal of healthy habits, you will see an incredible difference in how you feel, AND in your results. I promise the endeavor you are pursuing does not matter. A mastery of your past and the ability to reframe will offer you different feelings and emotions, and we are all acting from feeling and emotions every single day. Results are different when we FEEL differently. And that all begins with our thinking.


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Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.


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Understanding & Awareness of you.