Impossible is Temporary.

That’s right. You heard me right. Impossible is temporary. Perhaps you cannot accomplish your goal or task immediately, but if given time, is it still impossible?

Even the incredible idea of space travel is not impossible in this day and age. What we need to overcome the belief that something is impossible is just that…

We need belief. We need an open mind to consider possibility. We need an imagination to come up with new ideas surrounding the impossible. We need to become aware when we are believing something because it’s a suggestion or program from someone else. Do you believe it’s possible? It doesn’t matter what someone else thinks based on their re-occuring thoughts and intrinsic beliefs? It is your beliefs that matter.

Temporary can last for a long time depending on our actions, but the impossible does not have to be so. It is figureout-able. Once we begin thinking about the impossible differently, a whole new world of opportunity and possibility open to us.

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

Influencers - Do You Have The Guts

