Do You Have The Guts - Season 1 Trailer

The experience of healing and personal transformation is the reason behind why I’m sharing my journey and all kind’s of how to’s when it comes to transformation. It has been a shocking, wild, and lovely ride and it’s become a passion of mine to help others find and experience transformation FASTER than I did!  Especially when it comes to mindset and gut health! Having lived with an inflamed gut for decades and a healthy gut for almost 3 full years now, I can testify to the difference.

This podcast is for you if you're tired of being stuck in your weight loss and health goals, critical and negative thought loops and if you desire a way to not only like yourself but truly love yourself.  You're going to learn to accept you as you are, create who you want to become and if you literally and figuratively have the guts to do it. It takes courage to try new ways of living and being because if often means leaving an old version of you behind. It might mean leaving friendships or beloved habits behind. That can feel scary and exciting at once. It also takes courage to take a real assessment of your health and to dive in fully in search of healing, improving and changing. Again, a healed you might be quite different than who you are right now. That process and that person are an unknown when you begin a journey of transformation.

In season 1 we’ll get started with the nitty gritty of transformation and how it requires the WHOLE of you – not just your body and not just your mind.  There’s another essential ingredient we often take for granted when wanting to transform our every day lives.   Transformation and gut health are a re-occuring theme throughout season one of Do You Have The Guts.

We’ll discover in detail the top 3 practices for self mastery.

We’ll talk nutrition awareness, nutrition planning and meal prep, of course.  How to make it work for you and how to set your food environemetn up for success! We’ll also talk food and the microbiome – that’s essential knowledge that is available these days!

Habits anyone?  Learning to make and break habits as well as implement daily systems (which are similar to habits) is a topic you will not want to miss.

Last but definitely not least, mindset, the inner critic and raising the volume on your inner wisdom are a few pieces of the mindset puzzle we will put together to support real and lasting transformation.

Now transformation in itself is often blocked by our physical health.  I’m serious.  Do you have an insatiable addiction to sugar, sodas, or  your favorite snack?  Or is your energy so zapped just an hour after getting up that there is seriously NO WAY you can exercise? I know I went through both of those struggles. 

The truth is our brains and guts are incredibly interconnected.  Our well being and ability to function ( I mean body and brain function) are hindered when our gut is inflamed.  We will tackle the nutrition and supplementation practices of a healthy gut and how to go about improving your food to create a body and mind that work or you and not against you!

It's time to start healing from the inside out! Together we’ll embark upon a journey of finding the guts in the form of courage to try new habits and practices AND a journey of creating a healthy gut to serve us and propel us forward into transformation. I hope you will join me each and every Friday as a new episode is released!

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

100+ Days of Meditation


Prebiotic Foods & Fiber Rich Foods