Reflection - a little known superpower. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 18

Reflection is a powerful tool that can work for you in many ways if you take time to indulge in its superpower. What we’re learning today is how to utilize reflection on a regular basis to improve results and mindset in our daily lives. 

This episode is rich with stories and examples of how reflecting, finding the wins and noticing our thoughts leads to the results we have been seeking or the understanding that we’ve been seeking. 



What it looks like, how it works, and how it serves you. I thought I’d take you guys down memory lane with me as I reflect upon my double auto-immune diagnoses, and a few recent episodes to demonstrate how reflection can offer wisdom and hope. Taking time to look back on the week with an open heart and moving the to-do’s forward is one thing that will always serve us, and that is also reflecting on the week. Taking a look at what happened, why and how it can be better.

Maybe you are like me and you think this sounds so good but you have no time for this…or you don’t really see what good it does…well let me tell you this…

Looking back without judgement and asking ourselves what didn’t happen, why, and solving for it in the future is a life hack that will help us identify holes in a sinking boat, or how to fortify and see even more satisfying results.

This might look like reflecting on your week of nutrition and asking why you didn’t get the water in, or why you didn’t choose the whole foods.  Maybe you’d planned and earmarked time to exercise but it came and went. Why was that? 

This is reflecting – looking back without judgement to find ways to improve next time. 


Last episode I talked a lot about goals which wasn’t intentional, but I wanted to share how values and goals can drive the way we spend and manage our time – so that we don’t feel like life is only busy work.  I am not sure I really defined this in that in the episode, but that’s how goals snuck in.  And it made me think about something I learned last year that has made BIG goals in general something I hone in on and strive for once again...  Because goals and I took a break for a while. 

 1. Learn how reflection can help you realize a goal that you’ve had for years, but no progress with the goal.

2. Understand how reflection can offer hope for the future.

3. See how reflection allowed me to change my nutrition and lifestyle by simply reviewing my choices without judgement.

4. Understand why it is important to adopt a new way of thinking when approaching change, and how reflection can help.

5. Hear my thyroid story, how it took 37 years to uncover what was wreaking havoc in my body, and how reflection opened new doors to a hopeful future, and still does.

Do you have the guts?

Do you have the guts to take 30-45 minutes for yourself each week to reflect on what you wanted to do, what you did, and why. Taking time for ourselves often feels indulgent or unnecessary, but really, it’s an essential key to self care and general progress in our lives.

Articles mentioned:

Chris Kresser - thyroid - gut- connection

Heather’s Instagram


Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

It’s here!


Let’s try it the Ease way…