I suppose we could call this living on purpose part 2 because this is one of the most important things I do every single day to move myself forward and to drive my future in the direction I am steering. I’m not special. Anyone can do this and anyone can benefit from visualizing who you want to be, what you want to accomplish and more. Today we are talking about how to do it and how to design at least a little bit of the future you are seeking.
Have you ever considered that how you think is literally stopping you from taking action in life? How we think stops us from diving in, speaking up, trying again, doing it anyway, taking the leap of faith…
Visualization is an easy, free practice that is scientifically proven to help you change how you think. It can help you see opportunities and even see evidence in the world that you can do this. By visualizing yourself day in and day out taking that next big step, we can create confidence, and even hone skills.

100+ Days of Meditation
100+ Days of meditation. What did I notice about myself? What changed? How did getting quiet twice a day for 30-45 minutes effect my mindset? Read on for interesting insights! And how to!
Start your journey
Ready to begin healing from the inside out? There are so many foods you can subtract from your everyday life that will create healing in your body. There are also ingredients you can add or swap. If you’re interested in 1:1 guidance or joining a free community with inspiration and empowering information, let’s connect.