Navigating Wellness
Join us on a transformative wellness journey as we delve into the essential health pillars of mindset and nutrition. The power of an identity shift, the crucial role of a nutrition mindset in weight loss & well-being. How can letting go be the key to personal growth and self-discovery? Tune in for valuable insights on consistency in transformation AND how a mind movie might be needed!

100% Commitment.

Self care. The real deal.

The Biggest Shift: Do You Have The Guts Ep. 17
As The Shift Series comes to an end, we're talking about the biggest shift of all that I noticed throughout the series. And I saw shifts in each and every topic discussed. However there was one that REALLY stood out to me as I looked back over each episode.
This big shift was spurred by feeling like crap about not knowing where my time was going AND rejection. Through grace and kindness towards myself I was able to remain curious about both of these issues and dial into solutions.

Habit Cultivation: Do You Have The Guts Episode 15
Learn to cultivate your habits into systems that support life changing goals and deisres.

Emotional Fitness - Do You Have The Guts? Ep. 14
There is emotional intelligence that we might be aware of…but what about emotional fitness? Do you have the bounce back time from negative emotions and responses to consider yourself emotionally fit?

Mindset Shift: Stop Procrastinating. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 13
I hope you’ve been enjoying the shift series so far. Today we are talking mindset shifts – and specific exercises to shift how you’re thinking and the behavior that’s causing how you are thinking. I promise you’ll have insight into mindset roadblocks today AND we are kicking off with everyone’s favorite topic – procrastination.

Shifting into Movement. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 12
Shifting into exercise mode is essential for reasons you might never guess! How our bodies function can be improved incredibly on so many levels if we will get moving.

Shifting Your Nutrition. Do You Have The Guts Episode 11
Do you have the guts to change the way you eat? Taking time to level up what is at the end of your fork can improve and even save your life. The microbiome plays a huge role in our cravings and how we process the food we eat too! Do you have the guts to level up your nutrition and mindset around it to level up your gut health?

Get Your Shift Together. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 10.
Over the next few months, we are going to get into the nitty gritty of action. We are diving into the action of shifting. Nutrition, exercise, mindset, planning, preparing, DOING the thing day in and day out that allows a shift in life to renew us.

Do You Have The Guts? Episode 9
Lessons Learned in 2022. I could have listed more…but these concepts and lessons really resonated in 2022. I hope to inspire and offer insight as we embark upon change!

Influencers - Do You Have The Guts
Influencers and influences. Are you choosing?

I suppose we could call this living on purpose part 2 because this is one of the most important things I do every single day to move myself forward and to drive my future in the direction I am steering. I’m not special. Anyone can do this and anyone can benefit from visualizing who you want to be, what you want to accomplish and more. Today we are talking about how to do it and how to design at least a little bit of the future you are seeking.
Have you ever considered that how you think is literally stopping you from taking action in life? How we think stops us from diving in, speaking up, trying again, doing it anyway, taking the leap of faith…
Visualization is an easy, free practice that is scientifically proven to help you change how you think. It can help you see opportunities and even see evidence in the world that you can do this. By visualizing yourself day in and day out taking that next big step, we can create confidence, and even hone skills.

Living On Purpose | Do You Have The Guts
Have you heard people talking about owning the day and thought that’s a luxury for others - not for me? I’m offering a new story today - one that says that is not true. Getting what you want to get done instead of the world around you running you in circles is possible - and even if you start small, it still feels GREAT.
Living on purpose is all about owning the day vs the day owning you.
Let’s get down to why knowing your priorities in 3 categories of life and WHY having daily routines or rituals matter. Spoiler alert…once you get going with this, it amplifies your time.

Do You Have The Guts - Episode 3
Do You Have The Guts Episode 3 - Journaling how to and why! We are going through a few sessions on self mastery tools where we will cover the top 3 methods. Journaling is one of the top 3 so we are diving in to discuss different types of journaling how they can help.

Do You Have The Guts - Episode 2
If you learn to tune in to your critic, get to know it and even question it…you can get really good at bouncing back from its attacks.
That inner critic or critics is a chorus in my head that I call my ‘choir’. I’ve spent extensive time delving into what feel like little personalities to me at this point…because I’ve identified them to a degree that I know them when they invade or pop in.
That is really the work of self-mastery and transformation. Keeping yourself in a forward momentum and not spiraling into the defeat and negative thoughts that critic or critics can invoke is transformative.
So let’s dive in and learn more about how and why to observe and listen to this little choir we ALL hear and really tune in, AND how to invoke change in our mindset.

Inner Critic Exercise
Do you have a ‘choir’ of inner critics that you hear from time to time or maybe all of the time? Don’t worry! You are normal, but life doesn’t have to be filled with negative thought loops. In Episode 2 of Do You Have The Guts, I dive deep into mindset and how to change your thoughts by getting curious. Check this exercise out to begin changing your negative self talk.

Do you have the guts to transform?
If you'd like to transform your body in the next 30 days, it might take a little bit more than simply working on your body. WHAT?!
Transformation requires more than changing your diet. Transformation requires more than changing your mindset. Transformation requires more than tuning into your spirit.
To transform into who you want to become, the process of transformation requires all three pieces of the puzzle. It's tuning in to your body, your mind AND your spirit.
If you are ready to shift your identity into someone who eats a certain way, lives a certain way and gets things done in a certain way...connect all 3 of these pursuits for lasting transformation.
Do you have the guts to transform? There is a lot of who you are that might be left behind on the road to becoming a new version of yourself. That takes courage. It's time to start healing from the inside out. Listen in to figure out how this process requires the whole of you.
Start your journey
Ready to begin healing from the inside out? There are so many foods you can subtract from your everyday life that will create healing in your body. There are also ingredients you can add or swap. If you’re interested in 1:1 guidance or joining a free community with inspiration and empowering information, let’s connect.