Get Your Shift Together. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 10.

So far we have been digging in to underlying components of a transformation journey.  Don’t worry, that is not really changing.  Weve talked a lot about what is needed for the journey and over the next few months, we are going to get into the nitty gritty of action.  Nutrition action because what’s at the end of your fork matters most.  It literally determines how your body functions and what it looks like.  It determines how your body will process food and eliminate toxins.  Nutrition can make or break you when it comes to almost anything. 

As I am recording this episode, I am also beginning a new year’s fast to let go of so many of the irritating norms I instituted during the holidays!  I am letting go of coffee, sugar in all forms except berries, processed food (except protein powder), snacks, and I am adding in whole, real foods at every meal. I am also cutting food off by 6-6:30 pm daily, once again.  I am also working with a group doing a nutritionally supported 3 day fast that involves premium prepared nutrition and a pretty incredible reset for your entire body. 

You can read more about the ingredients and costs on my website.  I will be working with groups and individuals each month who are diving into better habits and nutrition, so the doors are open if you’d like to join one of the upcoming fasting groups! I’ve done this fast 3 times and I really love the feeling of accomplishement and the clear headedness that comes alongside this program. If you’re looking for a way to detox and reset your metabolism with premium nutrition, let’s connect!

All of this being said, please join me in your own personal fast to kick off the new year.  Let go of something - anything - that is taking up a little too much space in your world…for 21 days…or maybe forever!

And since this is the first episode of the year and I know so many of us have new goals and resolutions, l invite each and every person listening to let go of the expectation that you will fail.  Let go of the expectation that it isn’t going to work, or it isn’t going to happen.  I invite you to try fasting from your most daunting limiting beliefs for the first weeks of the year. 

Everytime you think that thought, acknowledge that it’s back and release it. 

Use your imagination to send it away in a helium balloon, blow it out like a match, or let it float away like a leaf on the river.  Whatever you do, release it each time it comes to you. I promise you you will be shocked and impressed at what happens in 21 days of constantly repeating that task (probably hundreds) of times a day.  Experts day we have over thousands and thousands of thoughts a day.  We also make over 35,000 choices per day. Experts also agree that it’s not the length of time you do something but how many times you repeat the task that creates a natural, automatic response or habit. 

If you fasted from that limiting belief enough to allow yourself thousands of efforts at releasing it, what happens?

You get your shift together, friend.  Change begins with the change in your thinking.

Ok!  Enough on thoughts!

I promise that as we shift into action, beginning today, we will get aware of tiny steps we are taking and we’ll get intentional with them to build 2023 into a defining year. That’s what this series is all about!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this year marks your before and after. 

You’ll remember that after 2023, there was such a change.  Others will see it too - after 2023 she was just different.  “She turned into a whole new person” or “I’ve never seen her like that before!”.  For most, hopefully, your shift will be celebrated and supported! 

It will create distance and if you’re deciding right now, YEA!  I’m shifting.  This year marks my after…get ready for your brain to resist.  There might be people around you that resist the change, but your brain will def resist.

Every single reason you cannot SHIFT will be outlined for you within a day of this decision…your brain won’t hesitate to work to keep you comfortable and safe.  I want to offer the idea and encourage you to plan now to think big or at least differently than you have been thinking…

Down to friends who might distance themselves to feeling way too stretched for time, every excuse and reason in the book you don’t REALLY need SHIFT this will surface. 

Remember why you do need it.  This is where a powerful WHY comes in! 

This SHIFT we are getting together will help you root a new identity into your being.  If your looking to lose weight, we are shifting into a person who figures out what’s holding them back and takes action to support themselves through the change and consistency it will take to live differently.

  • If you are someone who struggles with finances, we are shifting into a person who figures out why and how to approach life differently. 

  • If you are looking to level up your mindset, we are shifting into a person with growth intentions.

  • What do these types of people - the people shifting do differently? 

Successful Shifters

Successful shifters have rooted into new grooves, paths and practices in their daily lives. 

They do little things to support their progress daily and they seek as little as 1% improvement per day if not more.  When we are looking for just the next step to take, the next 1000 steps are not daunting. Don’t plan your entire shift out right now. Let’s ease in and continue the journey with small steps we can build upon.  

One foot in front of the other, day in and day out…successful shifters are aware and they understand the small steps to get to the big steps… and the goal. If you’re chasing easy small steps daily, you gain confidence to build to bigger steps and before you know it, your efforts are compounding.

Let’s begin…at the beginning

The next few questions are great for journaling AND determining your current status! Where is the starting point?

1.  Who are you? Let’s get aware of who you are. What type of person are you? Kind, loving, irritable? Are you stressed?  Are you zen? Are you active? Are you sedentary? Define who you are right now so you can also define what’s next.

2.  Who do you want to be? Let’s take a little time to get aware of who you want to be? Do you want to be less stressed? Do you want more joy and happy or are you good? Do you want to be more active?

3.  Knowing your big WHY behind your actions is key.  Click here for a link to the worksheet. Knowing your big why is especially helpful in knowing who you want to become.  My really deep why is longevity and being an active grandparent someday.  Drawing on this future vision/dream allows me to become a certain type of person today to support that future version of who I want to be. That’s how the why works.

4.  Let’s take a little time to say goodbye to 2022 (or the last 6-12 months in general) and reflect on a few things. Let’s dive in.

  • I liked thinking this through - if a movie was made about your life, what genre would it be? My 2022 genre might be suspenseful, dramatic, romantic comedy…I guess you can have multiple genres.

  • What were 2-3 major themes that kept recurring for you last year? Any limiting beliefs like - just let this go, it’s never going to work? Or I’ve got to get rid of this job and find a new one…or I am so stressed out or I am so overwhelmed by…

    •  Mine for last year were #1 stress - I haven’t experienced real, true bone deep stress like last year in over a decade at least.  Thank goodness I’d recovered to battle 2022.

    • Don’t give up.  This is a thought I had over and over.  Since I was having it, obviously there were thoughts of giving up, throwing in towel…but I’d hear that thought and think, well I won’t give up today.

    • How am I going to do this?  This was rampant because my life list was so big I was afraid to write it down.  Writing it down would induce stress or the desire to give up because it was so so so so so much.  However, there was so much incorrect thinking happening even in the thought.  Looking back, I am so glad I made it a question because the question led me to seek answers all day every day.  I was a little obsessed with it.  And guess what, I have figured a lot out!  I didn’t give up.  What if my thought had been…I can never do all this… whether you think you can or you think yo can’t, you’re right.  I proved that true in 2022.

  • What did you accomplish last year that makes you feel proud/good/worthy? We must celebrate the wins.   

  • What do you feel you should have been acknowledged for but weren’t.  Just getting this out of your system is a release.  It’s liberating.  I had a training that made me question my entire approach to something and I was livid about it for over a month.  The person said “Don’t do this…that’s gross…unless it’s working for you…” Well guess what - the gross thing was working for me.  The doubt that instilled was debilitating because this trainer was considered big time…ultimately I journaled the whole story out, ripped it up and threw it away. Felt exponentially better.  I thought of that because it’s a practice the kids do in my kid’s mindset course.  That speaker kept circling in my brain with her comment on repeat and I thought I’ve got to get rid of this!!!  Let me test the write and rip exercise.  Of course I knew it would work - it has before!  Huge help!!!  So get that off your chest - out of your mental space whatever it was last year! Personal, relationships, co-workers, or whatever.  Write and rip! Close the chapter.

  • What disappointments or regrets did you experience.  How did you deal with them? It’s important to think about this because it creates an awareness around your behavior, your responses to situations, and once you see this, you can choose differently.

Take time to review and reflect on your 2022 so you have a starting point for 2023!  If you don’t know what you’ve been doing, how you feel about the outcome you got from doing that, how can you effectively decide what’s good for 2023?

Don’t allow frustration with what you didn’t take time to witness or reflect upon to write your story for what comes next. Don’t get angry that you’re not moving forward if you haven’t taken time to reflect on the last 12 months.  

Define circumstances and obstacles that will or might hold you back.

I mentioned that the minute you secretly or boldly declare that this is your year to create the new you or the ‘after’ version of you, your brain is going to dump a slew of resistance or obstacles in your path. 

ALL of those limiting beliefs are going to rage! 

THINK BIGGER than your obstacles or think around the issues that come up.  Solve for them or ask ‘how can I make that work?’ ‘how could this work differently’. 

I have created an exercise for this on my site based on a concept in BJ Fogg’s book Tiny Habits. If you need a how to manual for creating a new habit, check it out!  The process is also great for thinking around an obstacle.  Click here to check it out.

Declare a place AND time for when you will insert the daily things you must do to SHIFT - and some of these things will be solutions you found to your obstacles!  Whether it’s exercise, journal, meditate, walk the dog or taking a supplement, setting a place and time makes you much much more likely take action.


So many of us are living a life that has been created for or prescribed to us that doesn’t really fit who we want to be.

Who do you want to be in 2023?

There is so much power in the decision to renew your mind, your body and your spirit!

Who are you ‘after’ you’ve put in the work over the next 365 days? Hint hint…this will help with your why! Defining what you are reaching towards is a beautiful way to begin this shift.

Instead of being down on yourself or creating goals that require you to do stuff you HATE, imagine the future you who has changed her mind – literally changed her outcomes in life  and ask yourself what she does differently than you do.  This is a great place to begin a shift!  It’s a visualization exercise and it can be done in as little as 30 seconds.

Deciding who you will be on a daily basis and who you will be in the future releases incredible power. 

Not knowing what you are doing or who you are being makes steps forward virtually impossible. Also, when we hold back from making decisions, we can feel trapped. The question or desire is lurking lurking, you think about it all the time and get down because you are not taking action…

Decision Fatigue & Decision Paralysis

Decide now who you will be over the next 12 months.  If you decide now, you take the decision fatigue out of so much. Decision fatigue is when you give in because you’ve had to make over 35,000 decisions already today. The decision muscle is tired.  If you decide now, you can avoid so many choices over the next year. 

Nope, can’t do that - I’ve already decided that doesn’t get me to where I am going.  Or yes, that aligns great with what I am after this year! Can you feel the ease you’re creating for yourself in making decisions! 

Indecision keeps you trapped! It keeps you stuck.

Deciding now also helps you avoid decision paralysis where you go back and forth thinking way too much.  Get aware of what you want, decide to go for it so you can choose what you want over how you feel. 

This decision also creates an anchor and hopefully a layer deep why. 

Do you have the guts

to make decisions? Do you have the guts to take time to reflect over the last year and close the chapter? Do you have the guts to decide WHO you want to become and how you want to renew yourself it the coming months?

Start by Starting. A few tiny steps to consider.

1.  Find 1 hour to reflect and make notes in your journal.  (Because you know you have one! It can be a spiral notebook.  Get yourself a journal as tiny step 1 if you don’t have one!)

2.  Grab and work through your big why - the why that makes you cry.  Find this in the Consistency Club

3.  Set a few goals or outline 3 qualities or behaviors you want to ingrain for yourself over the next year. Consider choosing a word of the year to remind you of your why, and your desires for what’s next in life.

You know, sometimes it is difficult to think straight or we’ve battled with food for so many years we’ve given up.  If you are in this boat and you hope there is more, let’s connect and talk gut health.  From supplements to food, your gut health determines your outcome in so many different pursuits and abilities. It affects daily cravings and how your body breaks down, processes and absorbs calories.  The solution that worked for me has worked for thousands and thousands of people.  Learn more on my website - and get ready for next week!


Next week we talk NUTRITION! 

The leave outs, the add ins, supplements, thoughts around food, meal planning vs prepping, eating out, macros and more.  I can’t wait to share! There will also be practical food info to help you build healthy meals when you plan and prep. AND – I’ll be sharing what I’m prepping and eating for the week if you’re a hands on tell me what you’re doing kind of person.

Thank you for tuning in today and until next time, take some tiny steps every day!!! 1% better each day! We are not striving for perfection in the task, but for showing up and getting it done to the best of your ability that day.

That’s what we are aiming for to uncover that person you REALLY are and that you’ve decided to become!

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

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