Do You Have The Guts? Episode 9

Lessons Learned 2022

Today is the last Friday of 2022 and I am hoping this quick session will offer a bit of inspiration for your journey ahead into 2023. I think the lessonse I’ve learned this year are quite timeless, and that they will serve me for all the years I am running a business! I hope that in sharing a bit of my story, you’ll have insights into your own.

The Top Lessons I Learned in 2022

The Rule of 50/50.

Simply put, we are not going to be happy 100% of the time. That’s ok. That’s normal. Striving for 100% happy isn’t where ‘it’s’ at! Nope. Without that 50% that isn’t so good, how could we appreciate how good the good really is? I do believe that we can change the equation up a bit if we’ve got an awareness around our thinking. If we’re managing our minds and thinking intentionally, we have the power to create 75% happy/joy, I do believe.

Thoughts Create Results.

I know! I talk about this ALL THE TIME! But truth be told, I didn’t realize the thought was the root of the result. Not until 2022 and really diving into a new self coaching practice myself. Unfolding this mystery has been like a lightening bolt of change for so many facets of life for me!

Big Goals are about thinking differently.

Yep. Really and truly, the biggest wins and successes come from the person you become in striving and reaching for that goal. You become a person who literally thinks differently than the person you are right now. Major lightbulb.

Consistency breeds motivation.

And vice versa. This tid bit of wisdom I picked up from an Instagram Reel. Yep, there’s beauty everywhere if you’re looking. Ha! But this concept was quite freeing to me because I was experiencing a stunning lack of motivation when I heard it. And boy did it stick. And I’ve found it to be true.

Abs are made in the kitchen.

You cannot outrun a poor diet. It’s also not all about a calorie deficit. What is at the end of your fork matters so much more than we are taught. Healthy ingredients are the building blocks of your body on a cellular level AND your microbiome which is the gateway to metabolic health and weight loss. A healthy body, or abs, begin in the kitchen with the ingredients that are creating your body.

I strive for 90-95% whole, unprocessed foods. I’m not perfect and that marker dips for me just like it would anyone. I have a few standards of living that help me make healthy decisions when it comes to food. One of my highest standards is no fast food. I rarely drive through anything. From time to time we hit Chic-Fil-A after a PE class, but other than that, we do not eat fast food. When I’m living beneath the 80% rule of healthy ingredients, I will say my body changes and works differently. Weight gain creeps in and I don’t feel spry and good. Nutrition is no joke!

2 of the most fundamental processes our body gets from exercise.

An uptake in nutrients and a flushing of the lymphatic system. I had no idea until recently that our lymphatic system does not have a pump to keep it working properly. Our cardio vascular system has the heart. The lymphatic system relies on the movement of our bodies to eliminate waste products! WHAT! I find little tid bits like this incredibly motivating when I am lacking motivation.

Do you have the guts to think a little differently next year?

Do you have the guts to get aware? So much potential is waiting on the other side of awareness. Join us in your pursuit of awareness around nutrition and mindset in The Consistency Club. This online community on Facebook is free and full of helpful tools to get started on your health journey. Click Here to join the group.

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

Behavior Design


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