Navigating Wellness

How are we navigating wellness and all the things in Season 2 of Do You Have The Guts?

Do You Have The Guts Season 2


Addressing the frustration of not being able to get things done is first and foremost on the agenda for season 2. And honestly, the how to on this is very surprising. I’m also hoping listeners can relate to being stuck in indecision city. I had too many choices. Too many goals. Too many priorities. And I began the art of letting go, once again. Dieing to the old way of things or the old version of myself is never easy. Worthwhile, but never easy and quite shocking when realizing what is happening and why.

Do You Have The Guts Focus

Season 2 is focusing on the health pillars of mindset and nutrition just like last season, and we’re bringing in some new avenues of thinking by diving in to the psychology of mindset. Sometimes knowing a practice has been studied or is founded in science can be inspiring to keep going. I am so excited to share more about the mindset of moving forward and how to connect and stay on track to the future you’d really, really like to cultivate.

We’re also going to be spending time with others who have transformed, and inspiring people who help others through specific valleys in life like divorce, grief, hormone shifts, menopause and more.

Deep in discovery mode of what is and what is not working has been full of surprises and common sense discovery. I’ll be sharing tools and books that have offered big aha moments and insights, and how you can take the nuggets I share and implement them further into your daily ambitions!

Time & Identity

A lot of this information centers around time, how we spend it, how we view it, and how we manage ourselves when it comes to spending our time and attention.

At face value we think we have this down, but it is so so easy to get distracted or off course in the pursuit of what you want by splitting up your time or overwhelming your calendar. Overcoming multi-tasking and finding true traction forward and a changing identity are big topics coming up.

Developing a Nutrition Mindset for Well Being

With regards to well being, your nutrition mindset is everything. Even with clean, robust nutrition, if you’re mindset around what you are eating and why is compromised or unfulfilling, well being is hard.

We’re exploring how to incorporate well being the easy way this season.

How do we develop this nutrition mindset that defaults to maximizing nutrition - even on weekends, even when sick, and even when living through stress and major discomfort.

How do we break the pattern of hiding from feelings or recovering from feelings with food?

How do we become the kind of person who fuels the body with key nutrients for growth, regeneration, hydration and healing?

This theme has been a focal point in my healing journey with hormones that intensified earlier in 2023. Get ready to unlock key ideas and insights to propel your hormone life forward. Life came to a point of no return itself and I had to take action, and I want you to know how to do this too!

Nutrition Mindset & Weight Loss

And of course, weight loss is the transformation so many of us crave. We’ll continue to navigate your best path forward through sound nutrition, gut health practices and solutions, inspired how tos with special guests and more.

Weight loss is 100% nutrition mindset. I mentioned this a second ago and what I mean is that no matter what the nutrition is that you feed your body, if your mindset and brain power around it are not good for you or building you up, it’s harder to maintain outstanding nutrition. There is a nutrition mindset around lifestyle, there’s a nutrition mindset around how we behave under stress, there is a nutrition mindset that encompasses what we are making our food mean.

Is our food fuel for growth, sustenance, healing and regenerating or is it a fuel for comfort and indulgence. These are two very different mindsets. This choice is up to us.

Mapping Your Way Forward in Wellness

Mapping a course or outlining the next step forward in your transformation journey is what makes it doable and easier. Once we find the clear path forward, how do we stay the course and find that point of no return? I can’t wait to share more.

I’ve been mapping and plotting a new course forward too and it’s been uncomfortable. I’ve been feeling like a failure because I’m not getting enough done, or not getting the right things done. So I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s taken some self discovery to find it. And what is so crazy is that so much of this journey has been about letting go.

Not adding to what I am doing, but letting go.

There is a lot that i’ve been doing, about 80% of my efforts according to Pareto Principle , that are useless, fruitless and a waste of time.

So I’m sharing this crazy path and I hope it helps you redefine and see yours more clearly!

Mind Movies, Visualization and Training the Brain

A lot of my visualizing and moving past self doubt and all the letting go have come from filling my brain up with what I want it to focus on and I’ve done that in a very unique way.

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international speaker, researcher, author, and educator and he dives into the topic of mind movies in his book Becoming Supernatural.

I like to describe a mind movie like an infomercial for your future. Perhaps a vision board come to life is a good description. I’ve made myself one and similar to what an infomercial does late at night when our subconscious is not on high alert, I’ve been using my mind movie to basically brainwash myself with this vision of the future. (And yes, that is what infomercials do! They plant information into our subconscious minds)

This mind movie is an amazing tool for refocusing on exactly what I want and where I want to go each and every morning and evening. It’s just over a minute long.

And guess what?

I’m showing you guys how to make one in the consistency club! WE’re using Canva and I’m walking you through the process from creating to completing to getting it onto your phone for viewing. This workshop is completely free and will be available in October!

Stay Curious!

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

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