5 Things You didn’t know about hydration (or more).

Welcome to DYHTG!  Today we are online with one of my most favorite friends ever, Dr. Chris Stanley. Chris and I have both lived through severe autoimmune diseases and found healing and wellbeing through nutrition.  Hydration is a key component for us both, we’d even consider it a ‘macro’ to count and understand if you’re serious about feeling good and having a body that works for you.

In his physical theraphy practice, Chris often recommends hydration protocols for post operative patients and individuals looking to increase mobility alike! Our level of hydration plays a role in so many fundamental processes in our bodies! Chris and I both listened to The Hydration Master Class by Shawn Stevenson and we incorporate a lot of what we learned in that fascinating deep dive! You can listen too - click here to check out the episode.

This was my first interview recording! It is different, and I’ll get the hang of it! I’ve waited way too long to share this because if it leads you to better hydration in any way, shape or form, the imperfect interview is just what’s needed at a time such as this!

Below are a few highlights of our discussion.

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So first of all, let's talk about why we need water

- above and beyond reasons we know are obvious.

  • Water is important for the maintenance of your DNA

  • Water facilitates reactions in mitochondrai - we feel like we have energy based on their work

  • Blood is over 90% water - which transfers oxygen, nutrients, antibodies and waste removal - not just poop, but alsy lymph fluid.  How well our lymphatic system is working is based on water.  It's our cellular waste management system.  If that lymph fluid is too thin, more junk can get stuck in the lymph fluid.  If this doesn't flush well due to dehydration or lack of exercise, we start building up metabolic waste and toxins.  And guess what that leads to?  ALL KINDS OF ISSUES.

  • Water plays a role in digestion secretions and a lack of water will create chronic constipation

  • Our cerebral spinal fluid of the central nervous system - water is important here.  The communication of the brain with the body - messed up without hydration

  • Synovial fluid of joints and discs are affected by water intake - so arthritic conditions are worsened with dehydration  "Individuals like myself, historically, you know 15 years ago, dealing with degenerative disk disease. My spinal disks were radically dehydrated. I was drinking maybe like a glass of water a day."

  • your body uses water as a pathway to transmit neurotransmitters throughout your entire body. Water is a communication path inside of us.  It also helps the brain to communicate with all kinds of hormones as well.

  • Hydration also controls your temperature gauge

    It is important to understand the power of water in our bodies.

    Water creates function and its lack drives dysfunction. We have a deep and fun conversation around blood pressure and hydration! Understanding quality of the water we consume and the potential impact on our health is knowledge that is powerful. Know where to invest your money and why! What is really in that bottled water? What’s the difference in Aritisan, Purified, Distilled, Alkaline and tap water? What’s in our water that we should know about.

    Be mindful of the water you drink, considering both the source and purification methods. Hydration is always the first choice. Understanding your choices around water is, quite frankly, priceless.

Follow Dr. Chris Stanley on Instagram

Become The New - Heather Hill - Instagram

Hydration Masterclass with Shawn Stevenson - Model Health Show

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Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.


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