ProBio 5 & Why You Need it.

Chitosanase is the secret to Probio5. This ingredient along with digestive enzymes and an antifungal help create a new balance in your gut.

Probio5 is freeze dried so that it doesn’t need refrigeration, therefore lasting longer in the digestive tract, making it more powerful in the gut

Probio5 has special enzymes used to break down candida’s outer shell

Probio5 has a powerful antifungal that kills the candida after the enzymes break down its shell

Probio5 specifically breaks down the CHITIN layer of the fungal cell wall and kills the yeast overgrowth in our gut.

It's designed to not only give you hearty strains of probiotics you need for optimal gut health, it also tackles the bad bacterial and yeast that lead to health issues.

A digestive enzyme blend, including chitosinase, breaks through the hard cockroach-like shell of Candida yeast, exposing it to grapeseed extract, which is a powerful antioxidant that acts as an antifungal to kill the yeast

It's affordable and extremely effective.

These ingredients combine to make a probiotic that balances the gut environment like no other I have tried, and I have tried so many. This probiotic includes ENOUGH of the strains in each capsule to make a difference in your gut health.

Probio5 can be purchased as a stand alone probiotic, but it’s effects are multipled when coupled with Plexus Slim (which feeds the good bacteria as well), and BioCleanse.

When the gut environment is balanced many health advantages follow.

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

Emotional Fitness - Do You Have The Guts? Ep. 14


Mindset Shift: Stop Procrastinating. Do You Have The Guts Ep. 13