That one thing…ep 19 do you have the guts

Episode 19 is all about well being and what piece of the puzzle you might be missing so far. If you’re looking to change or transform your life, that is a big endeavor. It’s probably going to take a few skills or essentials that you don’t have yet.


Maybe you’re missing love. The first thing we think is yea, I am lonely. I wish I had that special someone in my life. But that is not what I am talking about.

  • Are you missing love for you?

  • Do you like yourself?

  • Do you love yourself?

  • Do you hate yourself.

Each feeling offers a very very different platform with regards to transformation. I dare say it’s impossible to transform in a lasting and meaningful way if you do not love yourself.

And I say this because I’ve been there. In the deep. Doing the things. And failing. Over and over. For years. And I didn’t even realize what I was missing!

So we are going to talk soon all about self love and self like and self hate, and how to really care for yourself. Guess what - it’s free. It doesn’t involve a single pampering thing or even a checklist. I know….you’re tuning in for that episode, right. I was a hater of self love for a while, but when done well, wow. A real and true love for yourself is life altering.


How about belief. Are you missing belief in you? Do you need someone else’s belief before you can find your own? Maybe you used to believe in yourself, but you don’t so much anymore. You won’t even try because you don’t believe you can do it, or you don’t believe you will do whatever the big thing is…for you. Because you’ve been letting yourself down for a while now. Belief seems tricky, but it is not. We will chat about uncovering hidden beliefs that are holding us back and the potential of belief as well.


Are you committed? Is commitment your thing that’s missing?

You want to but you cannot commit the time.

You cannot commit the effort…to you…to your transformation.

You’ve tried but you’re never ALL in.

Maybe you know what is holding you back, maybe not…but I think learning the art of commitment to others and to self is an important piece of the puzzle if change is something you want. Nothing changes if everything stays the same. Commit to what is next 100%. Fullly. I know i lived in the 2% of being 98% committed for years. Even after the concept was introduced to me I resisted full commitment to my dream. We will talk about how to commit and resolve to fulfill the commitment.


Do you have time to think straight? Sometimes life can expand at such an exponential rate that we literally cannot make a to do list. It even feels like we need someone to talk us through the morning routine because so much is coming at us from every angle. Text, calls, messages, email…the onslaught of activity in our lives is compounded by our pursuit of a finish line that doesn’t exist. Because we do the thing, climb the mountain, organize the project, and we never celebrate. We simply move on to what is next. What are we teaching ourselves? Where is the stillness we need every day to quiet our minds and our bodies. Offer recovery to our bodies that have been flying in flight throughout the day, month or year. Do you need Meditation? Does overcoming yourself - your body and your mind - before the day even begins sound like something that could be your one big missing thing? Can you even imagine letting go of EVERYTHING before you begin the day?


Creativity is a topic we are going to dive into as well, but it has nothing to do with what you might think. I’m not talking artistic necessarily…we’re talking how to create a life, a pathway to more, an income…

Last but not least we will round all of this out with consistency/habits. I feel sure it might trickle in everywhere because consistency combined with good habits = success in almost any endeavor.

Thank you for tuning in so far. Let’s see where we land buckling down on the one thing we’re wanting to fine tune the most...I am working on valuing my time like it is money!

Strength vs Weakness

And hey - the thing you need or want. The tool or the characteristic…let’s not focus on a weakness. I’m not saying to embrace weakness, but what if we concentrate on a strength and magnifying it to create more change and goodness in your life and the lives around you? We might grow leaps and bounds concentrating on a strength vs concentrating on a weakness (something we feel shameful or doubtful about).

For example - for me to concentrate on buffering way too much…you know what I mean. When you get caught in the mode of forever processing an idea or move…and you do nothing. Or you do laundry or clean the kitchen instead of the thing that will move you forward…buffering. If I concentrate on buffering 24/7, that’s not so good. Everything is negative. But if I concentrate on how well I execute tasks when they are planned, aligned and executable…I get new ideas and solutions on how to make things more planned, aligned and executable…

Really as I think through this, each one of these episodes might encompass letting go of the old to a degree. The old belief, the old you, the lack of commitment, the idea that you’re not a meditator…There is a lot of letting go of the old in each of these episodes…to become the new! How appropriate!

Until next week, stay curious! Yes! The next episode will be up by next Friday!

Heather Hill

Thriving in my late 40’s with a healed gut. Sharing the journey and how to embark upon your transformation is my most favorite thing to do.

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